
Certification Required by Maryland Courts & Judicial Proceedings Article, §6-311


Ari Gold – Plaintiff
Eric Johnson- Defendant

CASE NO.: 24-C-05-026697 OT

Certification Required By Maryland Courts & Judicial Proceedings Article, §6-311

Plaintiff, Ari Gold (hereinafter “Plaintiff”), by and through her attorneys, John B. Bratt and Miller & Zois, LLC, hereby states as follows:

  1. Upon information and belief, the Defendant, Kareem A. Brown, was insured by Unitrin Direct Insurance Company on the date and time of the occurrence referenced in Plaintiff’s Complaint.
  2. Plaintiff has, in good faith, made reasonable efforts to locate the Defendant for service of process. Plaintiff is in possession of only Defendant’s name, and has been unable to locate a valid address for service.
  3. Plaintiff’s reasonable efforts include attempting to locate the police report (Plaintiff’s Exhibit “1”), attempting to locate the Defendant using a locator database (Plaintiff’s Exhibit “2”) and searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search website for Plaintiff’s name (Plaintiff’s Exhibit “3”).
  4. Despite the Plaintiff’s aforementioned efforts, the whereabouts of the Defendant in this car accident case remain unknown to Plaintiff.

Respectfully submitted,
Miller & Zois, LLC

John B. Bratt
1 South St, #2450
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410)760-8922 (Fax)
Attorney for the Plaintiff

Certificate of Service

I hereby certify on the __________ day of __________ , 2013, a copy of the above Certification Required By Maryland Courts & Judicial Proceedings Article, §6-311 was sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to:

Ms. Mindy S. Graziola
Unitrin Direct Insurance Company
502 West Germantown Pike, Suite 900
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 19462

John B. Bratt

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