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Wrongful Death Motorcycle Accident Settlements

Miller & Zois has handled a significant number of wrongful death motorcycle accident cases in Maryland over the last 22 years. The grieving over the death of someone you loved dearly in a motorcycle accident is profound. It is particularly difficult for many survivors to question whether the death would have occurred if the other driver had just driven responsibly.

This is the case in a motor vehicle crash death case too. The sense that “it should not have happened” seems even stronger in bike accident cases. The last thing on the minds of many victims is the process of hiring a lawyer and bringing a wrongful death claim. But in these cases, you do want to move forward without having a seasoned Maryland motorcycle accident attorney, who will investigate the claim and preserve the evidence that needs to be preserved.

Our attorneys are here to help guide you through your tragedy.  Our attorneys will battle for you to get the compensation you deserve for your loss. Call us today at 800-553-8082 or get a free online consultation without any cost or obligation.

What Makes Motorcycles Different

Motorcycles are fundamentally different from cars in terms of safety. While most drivers benefit from the protection of doors, a roof, seatbelts, and airbags, motorcyclists typically rely on just a helmet and a riding suit. This minimal protection leaves motorcyclists especially vulnerable in accidents. As a result, injuries are often far more severe than those sustained in car crashes. Tragically, many of these injuries lead to fatalities.

In today’s world, where distracted driving is becoming increasingly common, motorcyclists must remain highly vigilant. They are also harder to see on the road. When drivers glance in their mirrors, they often expect to see another car, so a motorcycle in the blind spot can easily go unnoticed. Despite their defensive driving, motorcyclists can only do so much to prevent accidents. All too often, it’s the negligence of other drivers that leads to the serious injuries and deaths of motorcycle riders.

Motorcycle Death Statistics

There is a reason why your mom did not let you get a motorcycle when you turned 16, right? Although motorcycles represent only 2.5% of registered vehicles in Maryland, they are involved in 15% of all fatal accidents. Motorcyclists are four times more likely to be killed in a crash compared to an automobile, and 1 in 25 motorcycle accidents end in death. Luckily, motorcycle deaths are on the decline in Maryland; down 27% over the last 8 years.

While some people think that motorcycle riders are reckless renegades, weaving through traffic, the statistics indicate that motorcyclists are not the sole cause of serious accidents. Specifically, in 42% percent of motorcycle crashes in Maryland, the other driver is at fault. And in 55% percent of rear-end accidents, the motorcyclist is blameless.

Take these statistics with a few tablespoons of salt, too. Everyone has bias against motorcyclists, including the researchers who are determining fault in these studies. Moreover, if we did a study for “motorcyclists who are not driving like lunatics”, the statistics would look different. But by any measurement, a motorcyclist is just as likely to suffer serious injury or death at the hands of an others negligence compared to their own.

Motorcycle Wrongful Death

Given these sobering stats for riders, the possibility of being involved in a fatal motorcycle accident is a real possibility. The costs associated with motorcycle accidents can be significant for family members and loved ones, with the biggest cost being the loss of a loved one.

Luckily the law gives family members an avenue to seek the compensation that they are entitled to. Motorcycle fatalities, and even automobile accident fatalities, in general, are typically caused by avoidable situations. Distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, can all result in accidents.  However, when these situations happen to the motorcyclists, the results can be fatal.

Common Causes of Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

Fatal motorcycle accidents often result from the negligence of other drivers or unsafe road conditions. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Distracted Driving: Drivers using their phones or engaging in other distractions may fail to notice motorcycles, leading to deadly collisions.
  • Left-Turn Accidents: One of the most common scenarios in motorcycle crashes occurs when a car makes a left turn across an intersection and strikes an oncoming motorcycle. Drivers often misjudge the speed or distance of motorcycles, leading to fatal outcomes.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed, by either the motorcyclist or other drivers, significantly increases the likelihood of a fatal crash. Speeding reduces reaction time and makes it harder for both drivers and riders to avoid collisions.
  • Impaired Driving: Drunk or drugged drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal motorcycle accidents due to impaired judgment and slower reaction times. Our wrongful death motorcycle accident lawyers see too many of these claims.  The ability to spot motorcycles when it is dark and the driver is drunk is virtually nonexistent.
  • Lane Merging/Blind Spots: Motorcycles are smaller and less visible to other vehicles, making them vulnerable when drivers change lanes without properly checking their blind spots.  Our lawyers see a lot of we often see tragic cases where a driver failed to check their blind spot before merging, leaving the motorcyclist with zero time to react
  • Road Hazards: Potholes, loose gravel, and other poorly maintained road conditions are far more dangerous for motorcyclists than for car drivers, often leading to loss of control and fatal accidents.  This problem is very real; bringing these motorcycle accident lawsuits is very difficult and you do not see a lot of successful claims.

Maryland Motorcycle Accident Death Settlements and Verdicts

The following settlement amount and jury payouts in wrongful death motorcycle accident lawsuits.  These should give you a general idea of the range of settlements and jury verdicts in the fatal accident lawsuits. They are not, of course, predictive of the outcome in any single cases.

Two things that cap wrongful death settlement: low insurance policies and state specific caps on noneconomic damages.  These can make millions of dollars of difference in expected settlement compensation.

  • 2024, Virginia: $1,000,000 Settlement: A 77-year-old retired man was riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle when he stopped at a red light at a major intersection. As his light turned green and he proceeded, a speeding tractor-trailer ran the red light at approximately 60 mph, striking the motorcycle and killing the man instantly from blunt force trauma. The truck driver was convicted of reckless driving and sentenced to one year in jail. The man’s family filed a wrongful death suit, and the case settled for $1,000,000, with $5,366 in funeral and burial expenses.
  • 2024, Georgia: $18,000,000 Settlement: A motorcyclist was killed in a crash on Alpharetta Highway when a 71-year-old driver made an illegal left turn without yielding, striking the rider outside an Arby’s restaurant. The victim’s family filed a wrongful death suit, and after years of litigation, video evidence proved the driver’s full liability. Despite initial denials of responsibility, the driver’s insurer, State Farm, an insurance company our motorcycle accident deal with regularly, agreed to settle the case mid-trial for $18 million. The defendant had previously pled guilty to related criminal charges, and the settlement was reached after a jury found 100% liability.
  • 2024, Virginia: $16,000,000 Settlement: A 59-year-old man was killed, and his 56-year-old wife sustained severe injuries, including a lower leg amputation and a back injury, when a defendant crossed the center line and struck their motorcycle. The husband died at the scene, leaving his wife and three adult daughters as beneficiaries. The wife’s injuries required a mid-shin amputation. The wrongful death and personal injury case settled for $16 million.
  • 2023, New Jersey: $1,250,000 Settlement: A 21-year-old motorcyclist was killed when an oncoming vehicle made a left turn, striking him on Old York Road. The victim, in cardiac arrest immediately after the crash, was pronounced dead at a trauma center. The driver was initially charged with vehicular offenses, though charges were dropped after tests showed no intoxicants. The wrongful death case settled for $1.25 million, including $250,000 from the driver’s auto policy and $1 million from an umbrella policy, following a demand for the full policy limits.
  • 2022, New Jersey: $1,500,000 Settlement: A 62-year-old man died two weeks after a motorcycle accident caused by an 18-year-old delivery driver who made an abrupt U-turn while distracted by GPS. The victim collided with the vehicle, which was owned by the driver’s mother. The wrongful death suit claimed the driver’s reckless maneuver made the crash unavoidable. The defense argued that the motorcyclist could have avoided the accident. The case settled for $1.5 million, with $500,000 from the auto policy and $1 million from an umbrella policy.
  • 2020, Virginia: $2,500,000 Settlement: A 15-year-old boy was killed when the motorcycle he was riding on collided with a car that turned left in front of it. The driver of the car, who was working for her employer at the time, caused the accident. The boy, an ambitious and athletic student, was thrown from the motorcycle and died two days later from his injuries. His parents, who gave him permission to ride, struggled with guilt and required counseling. The case settled for $2.5 million, covering $94,308.50 in medicals and $7,836.04 in funeral expenses.
  • 2019, South Carolina: $7,523,000 Settlement: A man was killed while waiting to turn on his motorcycle when a drunk driver, traveling 60 mph in a 25 mph zone, rear-ended him. The driver had been served 9-10 drinks over three hours at Full House Sportzaria before leaving intoxicated. The victim’s family sued both the driver and the bar, alleging dram shop negligence. The jury awarded $7.523 million, including $5 million in punitive damages against the driver, with a confidential settlement reached with the bar during trial.
  • 2019, Pennsylvania: $1,530,000 Settlement: A motorcyclist died after colliding with a skid-steer loader. The loader, operated by an employee of Clint Brown & Sons, was sweeping mud from the road when it created a large dust cloud, obscuring visibility. The motorcyclist suffered fatal injuries in the crash. The estate argued that the defendants failed to implement proper traffic controls and that the driver lacked the necessary experience. The case settled for $1.53 million, with $30,000 from Seneca Resources, $815,000 from Catalyst Energy’s insurer, and $685,000 from Clint Brown & Sons’ insurer.
  • 2015, New Jersey: $1,500,000 Settlement: A 62-year-old man was killed in a motorcycle accident when a motorist made a sudden left turn in front of him. The man’s son, who was also riding a motorcycle, discovered his father seriously injured after the crash. The estate filed a wrongful death claim, and the son lodged a  claim for emotional distress. The defense argued comparative negligence, claiming the motorcyclists were speeding. The case settled for $1 million for the wrongful death claim and $500,000 for the emotional distress claim.
  • 2013, Pennsylvania: $4,500,000 Settlement: After a night of drinking at the local bar, a man gets in his car and decides to drive home. During the trip home, he crosses the center line of a road and strikes a man on a motorcycle. The rider suffers severe injuries, and dies as a result. His family sues the owner of the bar, alleging that they should not have served the man who struck the rider. They specifically allege a violation of various liquor laws, which resulted in the rider’s death. The parties settled for $4,500,000 prior to trial.
  • 2012, Maryland: $3,505,000 Verdict: A police officer spots a motorcycle allegedly racing a car.  The police officer initiates a chase, but the rider refuses to stop. The officer then pursues the driver on to the interstate, continuing the chase outside of his jurisdiction. The police dispatcher even advised the officer to stop the chase. Still, the officer persists and rear-ends the bike as it attempts to exit the interstate. The rider dies from severe internal injuries, prompting his estate to sue for wrongful death. The police force denied gross negligence, but ultimately was responsible for a $3,505,000 verdict.
  • 2011, Virginia: $25,000 Verdict: When pulling up to an intersection, a driver attempts to make a left turn. As he turns, he is suddenly and violently struck by a motorcycle rider. The rider dies almost immediately. His family then decides to sue the operator of the turning vehicle for wrongful death, alleging that the rider had the right of way. The driver contends that the rider was traveling around 80mph, and was ultimately responsible for the accident. The jury decides to award a verdict of $25,000.
  • 2010: Maryland: $750,000: Our client, a young girl, not yet a teenager, lost her father when he was rear ended by a truck in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. The defense was the usual: speeding coupled with the fact that the man did not have a license to ride a motorcycle. This case settled in part, because the defendant had a relatively small insurance policy. It also settled quickly because the victim’s family wanted closure and we were able to get a very quick settlement.
  • 2010, Pennsylvania: $1,600,900 Verdict: A 53 year-old man was riding his motorcycle when he saw a truck begin to make a left turn near an intersection in front of him. He applied his brakes, but his motorcycle skidded for nearly 40 feet. He could not stop before hitting the truck, and ultimately crashed into it, leading to severe blunt force trauma to the head and death. His wife sues the driver of the truck, as well as, the local government, alleging that the road was designed in such a way that would prevent drivers from being able to see approaching cars at the intersection in question. The jury found both parties liable for $1,600,900.
  • 2009, Pennsylvania: $700,000 Settlement: A 24 year-old was riding his motorcycle when he suddenly strikes a low hanging utility wire. The collision causes him to fall from his bike and he suffers severe injuries to his head, which were fatal. His mother and father sue Verizon, the owner of the wires, alleging that their improper placement caused their son’s death. Before trial, the parties eventually settle for $700,000.

Hiring a Wrongful Death Accident Lawyer for Your Case

The Maryland Wrongful Death Statute gives surviving family members the ability to sue those responsible for causing the accident.  Further, it allows them to receive compensation to cover the expenses associated with a loved one’s death.

While many attorneys are competent in handling wrongful death accident cases, not every attorney is skilled enough to handle a motorcycle fatality case. Everyone wants to blame the motorcyclist, no matter what the facts are. Most motorcycle riders are safe and vigilant drivers, something the attorneys at our firm recognize. We give the deceased the benefit of the doubt. Maryland law does too.

Miller & Zois has significant skills and experience handling motorcycle cases. Your chances of recovering for damages is greater when hiring seasoned counsel who has a record of getting large verdicts and settlements. If a loved one or family member was involved in a motorcycle accident, call us at 800-553-8082 or visit our website for a free online consultation.

Client Reviews
They quite literally worked as hard as if not harder than the doctors to save our lives. Terry Waldron
Ron helped me find a clear path that ended with my foot healing and a settlement that was much more than I hope for. Aaron Johnson
Hopefully I won't need it again but if I do, I have definitely found my lawyer for life and I would definitely recommend this office to anyone! Bridget Stevens
The last case I referred to them settled for $1.2 million. John Selinger
I am so grateful that I was lucky to pick Miller & Zois. Maggie Lauer
The entire team from the intake Samantha to the lawyer himself (Ron Miller) has been really approachable. Suzette Allen
The case settled and I got a lot more money than I expected. Ron even fought to reduce how much I owed in medical bills so I could get an even larger settlement. Nchedo Idahosa
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