
Other Medical Devices

Archived Medical Device Lawsuits

Below is a list of medical device case where the litigation is either over or close to over.

We are not looking for clients in any of these cases. But for students, researchers or lawyers it is good to have sources as to how the lawsuit ultimately resolved. In some of these cases, we do a full post-mortem — for better and for worse — and for some, we have not changed the content except maybe to take out the “call us” part.

Over time, it is easy to see trends in mass tort litigation. The type of cases that work are usually those where the causation is clear and the injury is not the same type of injury the drug or device was intended to fix in resolve in the first place. Most successful medical device cases that succeed start with a scattered of cases filed around the country. The cases proliferate and Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) transfers the litigation to a single judge for pretrial coordination. After discovery is done and maybe a few bellwether trials, the vast majority of the lawsuits are settled without returning to the local federal court where the claims were originally filed.

Another reason we leave up some of these pages is that you never know. Sometimes the extent of the injuries or more serious than originally thought an sometimes cases that fail because the science is not quite there has an evolution of the science that solves the causation problem.

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